Simple Yoga Asanas to Do at Home

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There are about 84 yoga asanas or poses, but you really don’t have to do them all. This is especially true if you are a beginner and if you are simply looking for yoga poses you can do at home. In general, yogis are required to follow the sequence of going through relaxation postures, standing postures, supine postures, prone postures, sitting postures, pranayaman, and meditation. Here are some easy poses you can do at home:

Relaxation Postures

Relaxation postures include Shava Asana and Bal Asana for relaxation of the mind and body, sitting pose for relaxation to rest while doing sitting exercises, and Yoga Nidra, which lulls most people into a sound sleep.

Standing Postures

These postures include Kona Asana for curing arthritis and joint inflammation, Trikonasana for joint problems and back pain, and Tada Asana for increasing your height.

Supine Postures

These postures include Markat Asana for developing a flexible back, Pawanmukta Asana for relief from gas, Uttanpada Asana for aid in indigestion and other intestinal problems, Padotanasana for enhanced metabolism, and Rotation Asanas for weight loss.

Prone Postures

These yoga asanas include Bhujanga Asana for enhancing facial beauty and developing a flexible spine, Shalabha Asana for aid with abdominal problems, Sarp Asana for fat-burning, and Dhanur Asana for exercising the endocrine glands, abdomen, and spine.

Sitting Postures

These postures include Kamarchakrasana for weight loss and lower back flexibility, Janushirasana for backbone flexibility, Yoga Mudra for beauty and youthfulness, Mandukasana to cure diabetes, and Ushtra Asana for aid with neck, shoulder, and spine disorders.


Three of the easiest pranayama or meditation poses you can do at home are Padam Asana, Vajra Asana, and Sukh Asana.

Once you have mastered these yoga asanas, you may move on to the more difficult postures.