A Quick Guide to Power Yoga

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When people talk about the benefits of yoga, weight loss seldom makes the list. That is because yoga is often seen as an exercise geared towards the improvement of one’s flexibility, strength, and breathing. In recent years, however, the practice has evolved into higher intensity exercises, and a new form of yoga was developed. This new form is known as Power Yoga.

What is its function?

Power Yoga involves performing postures and holding them for the time it takes to take five deep breaths.

Many of the postures will require you to hold your body’s full weight.

Therefore, this form of yoga promotes muscular strength and endurance, and helps you build more muscle mass.

The fact that the postures are done in a continuous manner also means that a greater demand is placed on your body, thus promoting higher metabolic rates.

Is there just one type?

There are actually several varieties of Power Yoga, with Ashtanga Yoga considered as the original simply because it is by far the most rigorous form of yoga and the first one developed.

This form of yoga involves the performance of linked postures that use strong breathing techniques.

Bikram Yoga is also considered another variety of this form of yoga, and what sets it apart is the fact that it is performed in a heated room, which allows you to sweat out all the harmful toxins in your body.

Of course, Power Yoga still comes with all the usual benefits attributed to yoga in general, although it places more emphasis on the physical postures.

It can help you get rid of stress and give you a general sense of well-being.

These positive mental and emotional effects have also been shown to aid in weight loss because it can provide you with much-needed motivation.

When discussing the advantages of yoga, weight loss is rarely mentioned. This is primarily due to the perception of yoga as an exercise that primarily enhances flexibility, strength, and breathing. However, in recent years, yoga has evolved to incorporate more intense workouts, leading to the creation of a new yoga variant known as Power Yoga.